8/9/24 – After several delays, activity will resume during the week of 8/19 with Alloy on site to finish the remaining asbestos remediation on the north end of the property (the part of the building that remains). Last week, Stone Environmental submitted a work plan for NAPL removal (to prevent material from reaching the river) to the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and EPA/TSCA. Once that is approved, they will also be back on site this fall. Separately, Stone completed additional sampling this past spring and is currently working on the ECAA (Evaluation of Corrective Action Alternatives) and the update to the Corrective Action Plan (CAP). Those plans need to be completed/approved before additional cleanup work can continue.
SRDC has also been working with the VT Department of Forest, Parks & Recreation on a plan to put trees back along Clinton Street to replace the Norway Maples that were removed last year. Since the ultimate site layout of the former J & L property is uncertain, this will likely occur in stages, but we hope to put at least one, maybe a few, in before winter. We also want to be intentional with trees that not only are aesthetically pleasing, but are resilient.
8/29/23 – SRDC’s Bob Flint provides a video update on the cleanup project (3 parts) –
4/27/23 – Alloy Group will be mobilizing on site on 5/1 to begin the remediation of the roofing materials on the north end of the building. This will result in the removal of much of the existing black roof in the remaining portion of the building.
4/3/23 – The Town of Springfield is starting the Clinton Street portion of a major water line project, which will go by the former J & L property this spring/summer. As that work is getting underway this week, it will result in the removal of the maple trees in front of the building. These have been dying/diseased for many years and we have been urged to take them down, but have held off because of their meaning to the community. As the eventual redevelopment of the property moves forward, SRDC fully intends to incorporate more appropriate/hardier trees (in consultation with state forestry experts) into the site design.
Stone Environmental was on site last week continuing their assessment work under the existing slab. The sampling has fallen behind schedule, which means that the update to the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has not yet been started. We also found out last week that there will need to be an additional step (an Evaluation of Corrective Action Alternatives – ECAA), which will likely be conducted in May/June. That means the completion of the CAP is delayed until later in the summer. We are not able to move forward with removal/work related to the slab until the CAP amendment is approved by DEC/TSCA.
SRDC is also working with the Town of Springfield on the extension of the Toonerville Trail, which will run on the river side of the property, and trying to coordinate construction work/timing.
1/24/23 – Assessment work was mostly completed before winter weather set in. We are waiting for results of that sampling, which will inform the update of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the site. The amended CAP will be submitted to the VT Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for their review/approval. Once that is done, we will prepare bid specs for the removal of the slab and put that out to bid, likely late spring/early summer. Separately, once spring arrives, the remaining exterior work for the first part of the demo project (the LBL exterior wall and the roofing material on the north end) will be completed.
11/8/22 – Work has resumed at the site in the last few weeks. Stone Environmental is doing additional assessment work of the slab, including soils underneath. When completed, they will amend the existing Corrective Action Plan, which will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for review/approval this winter. Costello is completing punch list items from the demo project. We are still hoping to do repairs to the LBL exterior wall on the south end of the site (so the bracing can be removed) as well as removing the roofing material on the north end prior to the end of the year.
10/5/22 – The project has been the victim of the workforce shortage, impacting the firms that work at the site. We are hoping to have punch list items completed before winter, as well as work on the south exterior (LBL) wall, to allow for the removal of the braces. We also are trying to complete removal of the roofing material on the north end roof. Assessment work on the now-exposed slab area will continue, leading to an amended Corrective Action Plan for the site over the winter. Once that is completed, and approved, we intend to move forward with the removal of the slab.
7/18/22 – The removal of the former boiler house has been completed and on-site work is on hold until August. When work resumes, it will focus on punch-list items as well as likely removal of the roofing material (not the deck, the material) on what remains of the north end of the building. Here are some pics of the boiler house demo project –
6/21/22 – Demo work is underway to remove the former boiler house. (Click on the links to see short videos)
6/15/22 – The demo contractor is back on site this week, remobilizing to resume work on taking down/removing the former boiler house (the brick building in the back, on the river side), starting later this week. They hope to have that completed, as well as final cleaning of the remaining slab, by the 4th of July.
5/10/22 – Our demo contractor will not be on site until June due to staffing challenges.
4/27/22 – Due to challenges with remobilization, on-site work will not start until early-mid May.
4/18/22 – On-site is expected to resume next week, starting 4/25.
3/31/22 – An addendum to the update from earlier in the week. There are also crews working along the river-side of the property, doing ongoing sampling work related to the NAPL (non-aqueous phase liquids) on the site. This is a related, but separate, project from the overall Demo/Cleanup.
3/28/22 – At this point, it appears that on-site work will resume around 4/18. Note that there are other crews on/near the property doing testing related to the Town’s pending water project on Clinton Street.
2/9/22 – Site pics from today – February 9, 2022. The powerhouse has been demolished this week (the bricks in the pic, which will taken off site asap). The brick building that is standing is the former boilerhouse (see interior pics of what is left of the boilers – doors have been removed/saved), which will be taken down in the spring.
Click here for FAQ about the J & L Project!
2/8/22 – Demolition of the former boilerhouse and powerhouse has begun this week. including the removal of the boilers before the buildings are taken down. This will continue off and on, likely not concluding until the spring, when water is easily available again. Other than this, work will be mostly demobilized on the site until warmer weather.
1/28/22 – Remediation work is nearly completed in the former boilerhouse section. Removal of that building will be dependent upon weather.
Here’s an interview SRDC’s Bob Flint did this week on WCFR Radio about the J & L Project.
12/27/21 – The number of workers at the site have been reduced for winter work. This week, bracing will be installed on the northern/exterior wall of LBL Fabrications in preparation for the removal of the remaining steel beams after New Year’s. Remediation work will continue in the former boilerhouse and cafeteria space. Fencing will be installed, likely in the next few weeks, on the south side of the portion of the building that remains (the north portion) to help secure that area.
12/13/21 – This will likely be the last full week of active outdoor activity (depending on weather) at the site for the winter. The small building that served as the entry to the former (underground) cafeteria will come down this week and work will continue on cleaning the slab, equipment pits and other areas of the site. Removal of building debris will also continue with a goal of having most of the piles gone by the end of the week. Preparations are underway for winter conditions for the work that will continue (specifically the ongoing remediation of the boiler house). There also is continued preparation for a temporary fence/shield for the southern portion of the northerly section of the building that remains as well as options for the south end, including possible removal of the remaining steel beams.
12/2/21 – The on-site work this week has consisted of continued removal of building debris and site cleanup, to complete as much as possible before work pauses for the winter (likely around 12/15). Engineering work continues on the south end separation from the LBL Fabrications portion of the building, including consideration of how best to stabilize that area ahead of a winter shutdown, should timing not permit full completion of that work.
11/22/21 – Most of the demo work, for the season, has been completed at this point. The remaining work before winter (including this week) will consist of continued load out of building debris and site cleanup as well as ongoing engineering work for the south end separation from the LBL Fabrications portion of the building (which remains!).
11/15/21 – Facade removal/demolition began today and will continue this week. Debris removal will continue as well as site work to sever/cap any unused piping that was formerly used for utilities. Contingency plans are being developed in anticipation of the arrival of colder weather and how/when a winter shutdown for site work will be implemented. Prep work will continue on the eventual separation of the remainder of the current building and the south end (the LBL Fabrications side).
11/11/21 – Work on the site will finish for the week today. The facade demolition is now scheduled for next week. Debris removal has continued from the site as well as other interior demolition.
11/11/21 – A video showing some of the work to date from our demolition contractor – Costello
11/8/21 – The Clinton Street facade/wall will start coming down this week, possibly as soon as tomorrow (11/9). Debris removal will continue to be trucked away this week and other building demo will continue. The south wall separation (from the current building to the addition that is now LBL Fabrications) is delayed for at least a week. The boiler house remediation/demolition is also on hold, pending completion of other work at the site.
11/3/21 – Some pics below of the work this week so far, including the work to remove windows in preparation for taking down the Clinton Street facade.
11/1/21 – Windows are starting to be removed on the Cilnton Street side of the building, in preparation for the start of demolition of the facade (going from north to south), possibly starting as soon as late this week. In the meantime, interior demolition will continue, progressing to the south and west. Our estimate is that roughly 60% of the former building has been taken down to date. Trucks will continue to remove material from the site throughout the week.
10/25/21 – Current plans for the week are to continue interior demolition from north to south and circling around to the former heat treat area. Remediation will continue within the former boiler house and the stack is expected to come down by mid-week.
10/22/21 – Two pics from today below – both taken from the perspective of the former door to the building on the east side, by the former electrical building, looking towards Clinton Street). Today’s work was focused on removing the material from demolition – 3 loads left today.
10/20/21 – Work this week is focused on the northern half of the building, working from the middle in both directions, removing the building (the facade on Clinton Street will be last to go, possibly waiting for more of the building behind to be removed). Trucks are taking material away from the site. A reminder that AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY are allowed on the site – past the fence. We would ask for adherence with that and we will continue to post updates here or can answer any questions – 802-885-3061 or bobf@springfielddevelopment.org
10/15/21 – Pics from yesterday – progress on separating/removing the north end as well as in the back.
(those are short video files)
10/13/21 – It has begun! (these are short video files of the start of the demo work). Also posted a short video to the SRDC Facebook page.
10/12/21 – Building demolition work is expected to start tomorrow on the back/river side of the building, focusing on the separation points between the current building and LBL Fabrications as well as the area between the north/office portion that will remain and the rest of the building. Remediation work will be continuing in other areas of the building/property, including the former boiler house and electrical building.
10/7/21 – The perimeter fence has been installed and additional site work has continued this week (which includes construction of a temporary road behind the current building) as well as asbestos remediation of the former boiler house. The current plan is to begin building demolition at some point next week.
9/30/21 – Site work has been proceeding this week, including the clearing of brush/trees and creating a temporary road (behind the building) for trucks that will be removing material from the site. Installation of a perimeter fence has also begun and should be completed in the next few days.
9/24/21 – The grant agreement with the State was signed this week and contracts should be executed by the end of the day today. So, with that in mind, here’s our current TENTATIVE timeline –
Week of 9/27 – Site prep work – fencing installed around the current building as well as brush removal and preparation of the temporary road behind the building.
Week of 10/4 – Remediation of former boiler house (behind the main building) begins
Week of 10/11 – Building demolition work begins
This is all very fluid and could shift in either direction! As we know more specifics, we will update this page.
9/17/21 – Here is the video of our briefing to the Springfield Selectboard on the J & L demo/cleanup project from their meeting this week (9/13/21).
9/16/21 – Audio of today’s Brownfield announcement at J & L Plant (courtesy of WCFR) –
9/16/21 – Here’s the press release from the Governor’s press event in Springfield today – https://www.springfielddevelopment.org/gov-scott-state-local-officials-highlight-25-million-in-new-state-funding-for-remediating-redeveloping-brownfield-sites/
9/13/21 – Due to delays in the execution of grant agreements and contracts, work will not begin this week. At this point, site work hopefully will start the week of 9/20, with building demolition activity starting in earnest in October (likely towards the middle of the month).
– Governor Scott will be at the site for a press event this Thursday (9/16) at 11 am
– We will be briefing the Selectboard at this evening’s meeting on the demo project.
8/31/21 – Some notes, as the demo project draws closer to getting underway. We will be providing an update/overview to the Selectboard at their 9/13 meeting.
– The building is currently condemned and presents an acute risk to those entering it as well as the potential for contamination to be spread by wind, etc. Our work over the next few months will be focused on removing these risks and stabilizing the site for future redevelopment.
– We are hoping that demolition activities will begin the week of 9/13 and will last to the end of December.
- Timing on the work is subject to contracting and the weather as the work cannot proceed with freezing daytime temperatures.
– The work will be conducted in strict accordance with demolition specifications, an abatement work plan, and approved corrective action plan.
– As many as 20 trucks a day will be loaded for disposal; most of the waste will landfilled.
- Steel and clean masonry (walls) will be recycled.
– 12-16 people will be on site at any one time. Work is expected to be M-F, 7 to 5, although Fridays will be an early stop at 3:00.
- If the schedule starts to lag, there’s a chance of work occurring on Saturdays.
8/30/21 – Preparatory work for permits and notifications is underway and preliminary site work is expected to being in the next week.
7/30/21 – DEC posted the following RFP this week – https://www.vermontbusinessregistry.com/BidPreview.aspx?BidID=55623 – once a subcontractor has been selected, they will execute an agreement with the demolition contractor (our project team has made a recommendation) and the process will start, leading to actual on-site demolition/remediation this fall.
6/10/21 – Bids have been submitted for the demolition/remediation work and the project team is currently reviewing these proposals.